
  • Success Comes By Personality

    Success Comes By Personality

    By going this route, they gained actual experience without the sacrifice and expense of precious time and money learning through trial and error. By the time they were ready these freshly enthused entrepreneurs dove into their new careers with the confidence and experience inherited from their former mentors.

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  • Is Entrepreneurship for You

    Is Entrepreneurship for You

    Owning a small business or being a self contractor can mean hours and days at your drafting table, or home office desk. But for many people like myself the peace and quiet to be able to focus is a great plus when it comes to working for myself.

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  • Getting Sold on Selling

    Getting Sold on Selling

    Not to mention you will also walk away with probably a dozen new fresh contacts or referrals from your fellow classmates attending the course. 

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  • Save Money: Produce Your Own Professional Advertisements

    Save Money: Produce Your Own Professional Advertisements

    Having a commercial that announces to the world that you are in business and that you have a product or service on the market, places you very much ahead of your competitors that don’t advertise.

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